All about Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence is becoming a technological trend throughout 2017. Next year, this technology is predicted to be very reliable in various sectors, considering that the Internet of Things campaign will also be carried out intensively.

Artificial intelligence aka artificial intelligence allows humans to do work more efficiently. Global technology companies are also competing to create this technology algorithm. Call it, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon.

Besides artificial intelligence, of course there are other technologies that will shine next year.

  1. Artificial Intelligence

Gartner, a global research firm, said 59 percent of organizations were gathering information to build their own artificial intelligence. The hope is that this technology can improve decision making, customer experience, and find other business models. The bottom line: advance a body. Gartner predicts more smart machines, robots, independent vehicles, and smart advisors.

  1. Smart Application and Analysis

This is still related to artificial intelligence. This smart application might be part of our lives. The existence of a series of smart applications has the potential to change office culture and daily work.

  1. Smart Devices

Smart speakers, drones, self-driving cars and smart television are examples of intelligent things. Like smart applications, this technology utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning to operate. And in 2018, smart devices seem to be increasingly popular. In fact, many technology analysts predict the birth of devices that can operate without human assistance.

  1. Cloud-Edge Computing Alloys

However, on the one hand, cloud computing is no longer able to overcome the burden of data centers, especially about speed, security, capacity, network and data management. This technology is a combination of cloud and delivery systems. This alloy will provide a more efficient data delivery model and make it safer.

  1. Virtual Admin

Technology is certainly based on artificial intelligence, which means it will cut costs and be far more efficient. And, maybe, in the future “virtual admin” is not just text, but in the form of avatars that can be invited to talk directly.

  1. Business Decision Makers

With the advancement of artificial intelligence plus an extensive network system, many companies use it to make business-driven decisions.

  1. Blockchain

You can imagine this technology as a big book that is placed in an open space and can be opened by anyone. Throughout 2017, this is usually used to record transactions in the bitcoin network. Next year, technology is predicted to include databases, security, analysis, monetary management and identity. However, because the legality is still questionable, this technology could not have been used in many countries.

  1. Security Based on Artificial Intelligence

If not, just kill yourself. Continuous adaptive risk and trust assasment (CARTA) technology can be one way. The security level of this artificial intelligence can even monitor and analyze security in a split second before an attack occurs.

  1. Digital Twins

Artificial intelligence can also be born twins.

  1. Combined Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Both of these have been popular since the beginning of 2017. The most common example of augmented reality is the Pokemon Go game and Snapchat streaming live.