Technology ArticlesThe ways we eat power and produce commodities are changing. This transformation may gain advantage the global economic system, but useful resource producers will have to adapt to remain aggressive.

Policy makers may seize the productivity benefits of this resource revolution by embracing technological change and allowing a nation’s power mix to shift freely, at the same time as they address the disruptive effects of the transition on employment and demand. Resource exporters whose finances depend on resource endowments might want to discover alternative sources of revenue. Importers may replenish strategic reserves of commodities whereas costs are low, to safeguard towards supply or price disruptions, and invest in infrastructure and education. Create a profile to get full access to our articles and studies, together with those by McKinsey Quarterly and the McKinsey Global Institute, and to subscribe to our newsletters and email alerts.

A new McKinsey Global Institute report, Beyond …

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WebRTC services allow for secure audio and video communication. They do not require special software or programs and are supported by most browsers. WebRTC applications provide students and educators with an effective way to communicate with one another. They also help to reduce frustration in the classroom and facilitate student interaction. There are still a lot of benefits of using WebRTC Services for online education that you should know about. Read more to find out about these benefits.

Facilitates Face-to-Face Communication

WebRTC services allow users to interact with each other in real-time. Many educational institutions have implemented WebRTC technology, enabling teachers and students to attend online classes using video conferencing. This technology is flexible and easy to integrate into any software program. As a result, thousands of courses are delivered over these online learning platforms each year.

The benefit of WebRTC services for online education includes the ability to view …

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Cool ElectronicsHome theater furniture is great for a lot of issues, akin to holding electronics saved, concealed and accessible. What would happen in case you may see how much vitality you were utilizing all through the day? In the venture shown here, SoundVision created suggestions systems that research — in real time — how each day habits have an effect on the house’s power consumption. The house integrates renewable vitality, power conservation and residential resource monitoring. A 12-kilowat photovoltaic system is the home’s main source of vitality; it feeds electrical energy again to the local energy grid during peak technology intervals. It additionally uses a timer in order that the hot water heater is not busy heating water in the course of the night time when it is not needed. Picture Supply: SoundVision, Novato, Calif.

Another cool gadget accessible to the public is a distant automotive starter. Think about by no …

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Uninterruptible Power Supply or UPS is an electronic component that functions as a backup storage for electricity or energy. In practice, UPS is more often used as an additional power supply for PCs. UPS itself is very different from PSU, where the PSU works to connect electricity directly (without battery backup).

Is UPS installation required? If you really have an additional budget, you should add this component as a medium for conducting electricity for the PC. There are several benefits that will be obtained when we install a UPS for a PC. Anything, huh?

Prevent the PC from turning off suddenly when there is a power outage

UPS has long been used in the industrial world as a backup energy source when electricity is experiencing problems. However, actually no one knows the history of making UPS because almost all electrical scientists can make concepts and theories about the function …

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And the lymph nodes near the liver are close enough to receive chemical distress signals sent out by the dying tissue of a diseased liver, says Lagasse. These signals are meant to encourage any remaining healthy liver tissue to regenerate, but this doesn’t work in cases of severe disease. However, the signals do appear to help along the growth of liver tissue in neighboring lymph nodes.

“It’s incredible,” says Gouon-Evans. “Having this little incubator in the body [that can grow organs] is just amazing.”

researcher holding a syringe and watching an ultrasound machine


Around five years ago, Lagasse, along with entrepreneur and drug developer Michael Hufford and transplant surgeon Paulo Fontes, founded LyGenesis to take the technology further. The team are exploring the use of lymph nodes to grow new thymuses, kidneys, and pancreases.

But the company’s priority is livers. Over the last 10 years, members of the team have collected promising evidence that suggests they can use

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What TrueCut Motion did for “Avatar” was twofold. First, using a very complicated mapping and visual creation technology, they converted the film from 24 fps — how it was shot — into 48 fps. Then, using their adjustable technology, they added a certain kind of visual blending that balanced the cinematic “heft” of a classic piece of cinema with the oily smoothness of a 48 fps presentation. This is not the same as motion smoothing, but a new kind of total visual alteration. The judder is eliminated, and so too is the soap opera aesthetic of a “Hobbit” movie.

To date, the Pixelogic team has only been tinkering with recent, digitally shot movies, so further experiments with older movies shot on 35mm film haven’t been done just yet. As projectors continue to evolve, however, movies may soon reach a point where a digitally rendered classic may not look as good

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