Secrets of Life In Space Station

The life of astronauts or spaceships in space often lasts a long time. Life in the place is much different from the normal life on earth. Eating, bathing, drinking, defecating, entertainment, internet and other life are very unique. In order to live comfortably for long periods of time, experts prepare advanced and specialized tools for life in outer space.

Mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) Six people from different countries will live life in a booth on Mars. Until November 2011, these six astronauts will perform daily activities, such as eating, sleeping and working as usual in a “booth”. This trial was conducted to determine the magnitude of the pressure facing the crew when following the space expedition. “This is the longest mission,” said the head of the experiment who is also an official at the European Space Agency, Martin Zell.

Life at Space Station

A space station, has a very complex system with interconnected subsystems Structure, Electricity, Thermal control, Attitudes and controls, Navigation orbits and propulsion, Automation and robotics, Computing and communication, Environment and life support, Facilities for crew, And cargo transportation (goods / supplies). Living in a space station has many obstacles and adaptations, especially for those who have to ‘settle’ there for a long time, it’s like the issue of waste recycling, high levels of radiation, and also facing low gravity. It can certainly cause health effects, and as we all know in the case of solar flares, all life is currently protected by the earth’s magnetic field, and is under Van Allen’s belt.

Food In Space

The food was created and produced for astronauts and cosmonauts at the International Space Station by a parent company called SPACEHAB / Johnson Engineering, and is shaped in sealed ready-to-eat packaging (so no longer need to cook it). About Nutrition? Nutritional problems not to worry, obviously this food already meets the special food standards of workers in low gravity. So definitely healthy! And the funny ones, even the special astronaut ice cream are there. For the drink, since it is difficult to get water, the solution is to purify the existing urine to be recycled into drinkable water, and as to how it feels according to some Astronauts have a sharp iodine, there are no choice Others to be able to continue to exist in outer space considering the limitations of Food and Drink

In fact, the story of Yang in his book, their menu list “normal”, among others, chicken and fish. The only thing special is the dog meat that is gained excluded from the city of Huajiang, Guangdong Province. The city’s dog, said Yang, is famous for its nutrients. “Eating dog meat makes us strong across obits.” Indeed, dog meat is a common consumption in northern China, which is believed to be useful for warming the body in the winter. The same menu was also used last year, when Chinese astronauts are on a mission to run on spaceships for the first time for the country.

Everyday wear

In the cabin, the room is kept pressurized 1 Atmosphere, temperature and humidity. Therefore, astronauts do not need special clothing except the orange clothing worn during the launch and upon returning to Earth. The astronauts wear the same clothes we have on earth. The astronauts can not wash their clothes in space. So, they bring some underwear so they can be changed every day. They also carry clothing and trousers of cotton. As astronauts do their work in space, they wear special outer space clothes. This space suit is a very powerful outfit with a variety of functions that have been designed to protect them from harmful environments for their lives, such as radiation and vacuum.

Managing Trash

At Space station, of course the room will be dirty and a lot of garbage after eating. On the sidelines of their duties, the astronauts cleaned the dining area, changed the room air filters, collected the garbage, and cleaned the walls and floors. They used liquid detergents, plastic gloves, versatile cleaning napkins, and vacuum cleaners to clean the room. To clean the room, they sprayed detergent, wiped it with cleaning napkins, and sucked dust. When using detergents, they use gloves. Garbage collected and used gloves will be brought back to earth

Space Toilet

Inside the spaceship there is no bath or shower, but there is a toilet. The toilet is 1 x 1 meter wide. Men and women use the same toilet. The toilet looks like a western toilet we use on earth. Nevertheless, there is little difference. The astronauts tied their bodies in the toilet so they did not float. Then they use a tool like a vacuum-cleaner to siphon waste out. The waste is then dried in a vacuum. The toilet is not separated by a door, but only a curtain. So you can imagine the sound from inside the toilet must be heard from outside. Even so, inside the spacecraft is very noisy. Sound of fans, motors, and other noisy devices is too noisy when toilets are used, so the sound from inside the toilet will not be heard from outside. In order to fit seamlessly in a 10 cm sized vacuum cleaner, astronauts use training equipment equipped with cameras.

Astronaut’s Health

Every astronaut in a spaceship has a special task. Each has been equipped with the training required to perform the task. For health care, the Health Section Team is the group assigned the task. The Health Section team has been trained not only to provide first aid, but also to provide medical help such as sewing and injection. All astronauts have been trained to provide relief to people affected by heart attacks. Lots of medical equipment and medicines in the space shuttle’s medical box. This equipment is needed to treat minor injuries and injuries during airplane flights. This equipment is also useful in stabilizing the condition of astronauts when flying back to earth.

Astronaut and Internet Entertainment

The astronauts are allowed to carry their own belongings. They can spend their free time reading their favorite books, listening to music, etc. Because the earth and stars look beautiful from the windows of spaceships, they also often look at windows and take photos. At the International Space Station, they can watch movies from DVDs, and once a week they can talk to their families on earth. In addition, the astronauts can now also internet like we are on earth!

Even the outbreak of networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter has infected most people in the world, is also not an obstacle for the astronauts. With very high technology, for the first time, astronauts in space can finally access the internet.

Fasting and Praying in the Outer Space

Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, a Malaysian Muslim astronaut who joined the Soyuz Team on a 10-day mission to Space at the International Space Station (ISS). Included in the team are Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko and American Astonaut Peggy Annette Whitson, who took off from Kosmodrome Baikonur, Kazakhstan, on Wednesday 10 October.

Dr Sheikh Muszafhar Shukor, a man who daily works in a hospital in Malaysia, managed to set aside 11 thousand competitors. He finally slid into space on October 10, 2007 ago. In accordance with his expertise as an orthopedic surgeon, in outer space he underwent experiments related to bone surgery.

Research is not the only mission of Sheikh Muszafhar in space. He also carries a very important religious mission. He wants to perform prayers in space, as well as preach to the world that prayer is a very great service. Worship that should not be abandoned when and wherever, including when in outer space.

Together with three other astronauts, he stays for 12 days. At that time Muslims on earth are running fast. As a Muslim, Sheikh continues to perform the worship even though it is thousands of miles from the earth. And he confessed, fasting in the sky is much more comfortable and solemn. In addition to not feeling thirsty, hungry, or tired, he can also see various signs of God’s power.

In the sky, Sheikh runs a number of experiments mandated to him. Up there, he performs his function as a doctor with his biological and chemical research. According to the Sheikh, 12 days was not long enough to run all of his experiments.

Sheikh can not hide the satisfaction of this journey. Not only did he succeed in doing research, as he had planned. In space he can find many signs of God’s power. That can not be forgotten, when he heard the call to prayer there.

So for Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, a fasting worship that is being lived on earth today and Lebaran will continue to be implemented even though he was in outer space. Uniquely, the determination of prayer time, the direction of qibla, imsak and breaking while there is not the same as the earth. Because the Space Station circles the Earth 16 times in 24 hours! And that means He will meet 16 suns and sunsets, which is the same as 16 times met at the time of imsak and breaking in a day (time on earth) And the time of prayer can be doubled up to 80 times a day.